A Futuristic hotel that could sail around the world
The luxurious cruises as we know today, could litteraly go into history over night, if this concept ever becomes a reality. The Italian architect Gianluca Santosuosso has designed an innovative futuristic hotel MORPHotel, that would be sailing the ocans and seas.
Whne you look at the design, probably the first thing that is going to pop in your head is – Star Wars. The architecture of the hotel resembles a spine, which will alow the facility to change it’s shape due to the ocean’s or sea’s currents, and also there is the self-sustaining ecosystem – futuristic without discussion.
According to the concept it will be around 800 meters long, and something above 60 meters wide, and it would be powered by the sun’s and wave’s energy. The idea of this hotel is to sail the seas, and there will be restaurants, swimming pools, fitness centres, cinema and other services so the guests don’t get bored.
What is even more interesting is that this conceptual design is equipped with self-sustaining systems. The rain will be filtered and stored in huge tanks, and the sea water with special systems will be purified from the salt.
The idea is great, but… could you imagine how much all of this would cost? Well, neither could we, but whether this concept will ever be realized or not, is only question of time, and we have to admit that the idea is pretty impressive.