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October 31, 2016

Brian Wayne Transeau – BT

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I really have to copy something from Wikipedia for this, and I will, but you will never know the reason why I added this GREAT man here among our greatest selections. I’ll be brief by telling you why I added him here among us ! So, I was born in the 1980’s so my young-hood was somehow better than most of the i-Pads or PC Console battles today. All tho we do own a BEAST of a machine (a couple of them) but nothing compares to the beat, sound, mathematics, precision and drive that BT has. Imagine you only heard of long lost stories about ZX Spectrum or Commodore 64. Normally most of you won’t know what they are. So let me explain briefly what those machines meant to the old timers writing this post. THEY MEANT THE WORLD FOR US. So BT made a sound and a movement with those machines. MUSIC. And yes, some great pieces of music as well as setting a  remarkable psychology and drive within the music so that while you listen to the music, and the sounds you can relax and enjoy or for some of us learn and DREAM. Let me warn you tho! He is a man with a lot of talents, even when his ex-wife took his daughter, among a lot of people we were the one that were trying to find her and we did and yet it didn’t stop him to make the legacy. Maybe that was the reason that he has the most beautiful daughter and co-pilot with his music. She is also singing some of the songs…… I’m a REALLY BIG FAN of his music. I met my wife while listening to his music, she also likes the music and as a co-founder of this Pro.Net.Mk project, so it happens she is my boss and she was the one that I found while listening to Somnabulist from BT. That is all from me for the moment, and if you like BT continue liking him 🙂 And here is the LINK I promised. P.S. I grew up with his music! AND I STILL AM IN LOVE WITH IT!!!!

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