Samsung has plans for next year to present a new series of folding screen smart phones.
Within the past years, some of the companies have presented flexible screens which would be used on smart phones, but even tho they’ve announced that they will be presenting folding screen smart phones in 2014 and 2015, not a single company has done that.
It seems that, that statement will be changed next year when Samsung should present the first flexible screen smart phone, and if the rumors on the internet are true, that phone would be foldable like a wallet.
According to the latest information, this flexible screen smart phone model will sell as a part of the Galaxy X series, and the first kind of this model we could expect during the next year, even tho it is uncertain when exactly will the South-Korean “ace-card”, be introduced.
Also, there still aren’t any information about the size of the screen of this phone (only the 4K resolution is mentioned), but in reality we do expect that this device will come with larger screen and it could be the ideal gadget that could replace the classical phones and tablets with it’s small dimension, but big scree (when it is unfolded, of course.)