So this is us, the creators of this beautiful place that in the following years we will call it our second HOME.
So let’s say Hello by introducing ourselves to you, THE WORLD. My name is Nino and my wife’s name is Jelena. Both BIG enthusiasts in technology and in web design, both in love, and both DREAMERS! In the following years we want to accomplish something that many have tried and failed or just stopped trying. Our main goal is (I’m not trying to sound like I’m on an interview) to inspire and educate and also to create a space that can leave a bigger trace than Facebook or other media present today! To prove that to you we today made just a small baby step towards what we want to accomplish and that is this portal, that we will continue to work on more and more and with your views, comments and suggestions, WE TOGETHER can make something wonderful! Thank you for visiting our PRO.NET.MK page and hope to hear from you soon and we will be more than happy to reply and communicate with you! THANK YOU and ROCK ON!