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July 24, 2016

If This Is Happening On Your Phone While On YouTUBE – You Are Probably Hacked

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The YouTUBE app is available on almost every phone, and it is a new tool that hackers use to access your phone. Many users spend their free time watching videos or listening music on YouTUBE using this app on their smart phone, but if you ever notice that the voice assistant is active while you are accessing this app – you may be already a victim of this new way of hack.
The days when hackers used to steal PIN codes and passwords are over, because the hacking today has reached a completely different new level.
Team of experts made by researchers from some of the most prestigious universities from the United States, found a omission which hackers could use to take over control of your smart phone. Google Now and Apple Siri digital assistants, make the job for the hackers is significantly easier.

As you know, the digital assistants like Google Now and Apple Siri can detect background noise and ‘hear’ sounds that people cannot hear. In that case, some commands can be hidden in the YouTUBE videos, audio files and other data downloaded from torrent client.
If the digital assistant remained to work in the background while you are watching some video that may be containing some hidden command, the assistant will probably “pick up” the sound from that video. The researchers made a video file containing such an attack which shows that even people can actually understand the commands if they pay attention.

The type of hidden commands within the video files differs – from simple phone swipe in order to download the malware, up to a command with which the hackers can gain complete control over the device.
The researchers advise the programmers that use voice recognition system to input filters which can clearly make the difference between human voice and all other sounds. Also, they might also consider to input a notification which will warn the users, and every time the phone would ‘ask’ a permission for executing any voice command.
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