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March 16, 2016

International Pillows Fight Day Is Near

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I couldn’t believe it when I heard … that yes, International Pillow Fight Day really will be taking place!
On Saturday April 2nd 2016, there will be massive pillow fights in cities around the world! Use this site to locate the nearest one. If you would like to learn how to organize a pillow fight, read the how to guide.

The Urban Playground Movement has described public spaces in our cities as ‘public living rooms’.   Or I suppose, in this case, it would be bedrooms!
Organizers, add your event! This is the 7th annual International Pillow Fight Day, and the event attracts tens of thousands of people in 100+ cities each year. Learn more about the urban playground movement.

Lots of places around the world have had great fun getting involved with pillow fight day.   See some absolutely fantastic pictures of the day taking place around the world – from Amsterdam, Budapest, to New York.
The basic idea is to get every major city in the world involved in this organised event!  Flashmobs like this are getting more and more common, and I think its a great way to let loose amidst our often stressful working weeks!

The first flashmob apparently took place in Macy’s, New York, in 2003. The Oxford Dictionary describes the flashmob as an ‘unusual and pointless act’ – basically separating it from more serious gatherings like protests and so on.  But that is the point – its not meant to mean anything serious, its all about having fun and now the world is going crazy with silent discos and pillow fights!

So for this year keep checking the International Pillow Fight Day website for event updates.  Participants are already confirming that they will take part again.

Some tips – don’t hit people too hard with your pillows!  They might be made of feathers but can still pack a punch (I would know, having been on the receiving end!).  It might be a difficult rule to remember once you get into the swing of it, but still an important safety rule!
So, if you fancy yourself as a pillow fighter … here’s wishing you happy pillow fighting!!

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