The Allen Brain Super-Detailed Map Of The Brain
There have been many attempts to map the human brain, including German anatomist Korbinian Brodmann’s mapping of the cerebral cortex in 1909 and a broad-scale compilation of MRI images from the Human Connectome Project in 2016. However, the Allen Brain Atlas, as it’s called, is incredibly detailed, showing everything from its overall structure to its cellular details. That’s because the researchers called on a variety of methods to create it. First, they used magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and diffusion weighted imaging to capture the brain’s structure and the way the fibers connect. Next, they separated the brain into very thin slices and used special staining techniques to examine and label individual cells. Finally, they combined all of this data into a single open-source digital atlas, which is accessible to anyone with internet access.
The Allen Brain Atlas
Take a digital tour of the human brain.