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April 18, 2017

Top 45 best free games you should play in 2017

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With new graphics hardware incoming from AMD and blockbuster gaming titles like Star Wars Battlefront 2 on the way, there’s no better time like the present to start saving up cash. And what better way is there to do that than by taking advantage of only the best free games on the market?
When you think of the best free games, you might think shallow or austere, but the truth begs to differ. In fact, the best free games that inhabit the PC space today are every bit as endearing as the best PC games in general. Because developers still make money from in-game purchases, they’re able to afford highly polished experiences that feel anything but cheap.
Admittedly, unless you fall right into the traps of publishers like Valve and EA, the best free games will never have you feeling swindled. While we know how tempting it is to buy that suave new hat in Team Fortress 2, don’t hold us responsible if the best free games recommended to you on this list turn out to be a little less free due to your own susceptibility to sporty digital headwear.
Here, we’ve devised an assorted compilation of the best free games. It’s not just a stockpile of new releases either. From retro games with low pixel counts to grinding dungeon crawlers and real-time strategy gems, this is our definitive selection of the best free games money can’t buy.

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