Vintage & Morelli
I have traveled this earth of ours many times before. My real search begun when I was a little kid and my parents took me to Spain. Actually that is the time when I realized that the search for peace and harmony begun in me. From time to time my parents took me to places around Europe and my wish to explore was getting bigger and bigger. But one time, while I was in Serbia, Belgrade, under some coincidence, or maybe something more, in the Musical Academy of Belgrade in the small coffee shop I met Marko Cubric. At that time I had no idea he will grow up to be something so special. We talked about music, the very essence of music. I have to acknowledge HE taught me how to listen to music and how to feel the music. I know he had the “normal” life, considering the fact that being such an artist, that no one understands you and no one is there to help you, left alone with the problems of life in a big city and being like me at the time. 🙁 I hated that. And in the worst period of my life – HE WAS THERE, next to me, beside me, and we were making music. He was making MUSIC!!! Marko today is and was my shining star in my realm of music and will be I think till the day I die! MARKO BGAT! I love you and thank you for showing me your MUSIC and the VIBE that your music brings! I wish you all the happiness this life brings you and remember what I told you! YOU ARE A STAR YET TO BE DISCOVERED! And in my world YOU are the brightest star with the music you make! And people if you want to hear some of his MUSIC and FEEL the music he makes TUNE IN HERE!
P.S. Thank you for being there for me! Voli te tvoj brat!